by natalie | Apr 27, 2015
Recent international auction prices indicate a dairy pay out below $5.00 per kg of Milk Solid due to the trifecta – high exchange rates, high supply and low demand. The exchange rate needs no explanation. Maybe the current highs are the new norm? Russian sanctions... by natalie | Apr 27, 2015
The average Dairy Farmer should be able to save $20,000 in tax over two years by utilising the Income Equalisation Deposit Scheme as a result of the Fonterra Farmgate Milk Price falling from $8.40 for the 2013/14 Season to a forecast of $5.30 for the 2014/15 Season. ... by natalie | Apr 27, 2015
In a market of declining international milk powder prices the Fonterra GMP scheme has been under-subscribed for two times in a row. In fact only 180 farmers took advantage of the latest offer. Go figure! The irony is that Fonterra’s June 2013 offer for the 2013/14...